What is the Parish Council?
The Parish Council comprises seven councillors and is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of its parishioners. It is the first level of local government and therefore the one closest to the community, with the District Authority (East Herts District Council) and the County Authority (Hertfordshire County Council) in the tiers above it.
Why become a Parish Councillor?
As a parish councillor you become a community leader with the power to make and influence decisions for the benefit of the people you serve.
What decisions does the Parish Council make?
Although the Parish Council has limited authority to make decisions, it has the power to negotiate with and to influence other organisations that do make the final decisions (such as the District and County Councils, health authorities, police etc). In this respect the Parish Council is very powerful. The organisations that make the final decisions know that a parish council gives the best reflection of how a community feels about something and its views will be taken seriously. Issues that affect the local community may include planning (it is a statutory consultee), highways, rights of way, litter, dog bins, crime prevention, etc. The Parish Council has the power to raise funding to provide services through the local council tax (via the District Council) and by obtaining grants.
How much time does it take up?
The Parish Council holds 10 public monthly meetings during the year (to which all members of the public are very welcome to attend). Meetings usually last about two hours, depending on what’s on the agenda for discussion. In addition to the regular meetings, councillors may get involved in occasional local activities.
How long does a Parish Councillor serve for?
Elected parish councillors sit on the council for a maximum of four years and then stand for re-election if they wish to continue.
Am I eligible to be a Parish Councillor?
To stand for election to the Parish Council, you must:
- be a UK or Commonwealth citizen or be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or
- be a citizen of another Member state of the European Union; and
- be at least 18 years old;
- be on the current parish electoral register (held by East Herts Council); or
- in the past 12 months have occupied, as owner or tenant, land or premises in the parish; or
- work in the parish (as your principal or only place of work); or
- live within three miles of the parish boundary.
The Parish Clerk can provide guidance and an application form for anyone who wants to be considered for co-option to fill a vacancy on the Council (email: clerk.hormeadpc@gmail.com).